Sunday, July 5, 2009

Morelia- the land of balloons and cathedrals

Morelia was great... so great. This past weekend the gang hopped on a bus (not a combi- hooray!) and traveled to Morelia- Michoacan's capital. It is only about an hour away but it is worlds different. Downtown Morelia is so beautiful and cosmopolitan- I felt like I was in Europe! It seemed like there was beautiful church and a person selling balloons or bubbles on every corner.
We started off our tour with a walk through the famous Cathedral. It is made from Pink volcanic stone and is recognized as one of the most beautiful churches is Mexico. When we toured the inside there was a wedding going on- how crazy to get married in such a famous church full of goofy tourists! Actually there were a ton of weddings and quinceaneras going on in Morelia on the 4th of July. It was so fun to see all these girls and wedding parties all dressed up taking photographs around the city!
We saw soo much of Morelia in only one day! I don't want to bore you with all the details, but we went to the oldest college in the new world, a great modern art museum, a natural history museum, an aqua duct, and many many amazing churches. We even stumbled across a Mexican Baile Folklorico show going on in the plaza next to the main cathedral while we were eating the delicious traditional ice cream suggested in our tour book. It was so amazing to watch the traditional Mexican folk dances, as kids chased bubbles, and the lights of the city turned on.
For dinner we went to great place called San Miguelito. Since we were 4 girls, they sat us in the "Single ladies corner" where they have over 600 Saint Anthony dolls turned upside down- the Mexican ritual to be lucky in love. There was also a complex ritual that Jessie did which involves lighting a candle, circling Saint Anthony 13 times while stacking a coin after each turn, writing your dream man's qualities in a big book, and then putting your candle on the mantle while saying a prayer. I am not sure how well it works, but they have a wall full of marriage pictures that people have sent in to support their claims.
All and all it was a great 4th of July even if we didn't have any fireworks!
Check out the pictures on my Flickr page :)

1 comment:

  1. YES! To the Baile Folklorico! Was Sra Stanley there?
