Thursday, July 2, 2009

Attack of the giant fly

I have been busy with lots of work the past few days. So I will give you the brief update.
Joanne and I went to Santa Fe (a pueblo around the lake) with Margarita the outreach worker. It took about an hour to get there and we had to change buses mid-way through to reach our final destination. When we got to Santa Fe we met with the town jefe or mayor to make sure it was ok to administer our women's health surveys. Even though we got his approval not very many women wanted to do our survey because their was a fiesta going on in town that night and they needed to get ready. So we returned empty handed and little green with motion sickness after our combi ride through the mountains.
After we refreshed with scrambled eggs and veggies Brenda took us to Bodega- which is the Mexican Wal-Mart (literally). We explored and marveled at the cheap prices and got just about everything we needed except for peanut butter (What a great word in Spanish - Mantequilla de Cacahuate), which apparently is not very popular in Mexico- que lastima!

Today after Spanish we stopped at the street vendors in the market for a bite to eat. Three American girls exploring the taco stands was apparently such a spectacle. Every street vendor wanted to sell us their tacos or tortas and practice his English on the "pretty American girls". At least they were all very friendly- I suppose it could have been worse.
After lunch we went into "the office" to meet with Richard about our surveys. Richard has high hopes of getting them done and translated by next Wednesday so hopefully we can live up to his expectations. After our meeting we went out with the gang + Brenda and Jessie for dinner to a lovely Argentinian restaurant. I had Lasagna- I guess a little odd for Mexico, but mighty tasty. During dinner we discussed the paper I had written about Cesarean sections. It was a very lively discussion and it was great to add Brenda and Richard's first hand experience to the statistics I had written about. Jessie even suggested that I have it published! (I was so touched to get such positive feed back).

In other news there was a giant fly in my room last night that made a terrible buzzing noise. So I spent 30 minutes trying to kill it or get to fly out the window but it refused to land. It was so big and so loud... oh the terrors of Mexican insects!


  1. Maybe you should force those women at the fiesta to do your survey so that you can get even more work published than just your first paper! You're an American; use your power! :)

  2. FUCK MEXICO. Go to Argentina
