Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's been awhile..

Sorry it's been so long since I was able to update. Mark was in town :) and just left this morning at 3:30am :(. Sadly, I can't post a whole lot because I have to get up early tomorrow to be in Cuanajo by 8am, but here a few shots from our hike up Estribo (you can see Janitzio in the background) and our adventures around the Paracutin Volcano one of the world's seven natural wonders!


  1. Yay!!! i didnt know he would be able to go visit you. that's awesome!

  2. Hi Leslie,

    How old is are the ruins you are standing in?
    I wish Sam would have done something like this. Her mom & I have had our fill of her hanging out with us.
    Just kidding Sam.
    Great pictures and stories.

  3. Thanks for not posting any of the unflattering pictures of me! But you can put them on flickr, I'm support the creation of an unbiased historical record :)

  4. Hi Mr. Bley! Good to hear from you!

    I am not sure how old the church is, but the volcano that destroyed it erupted in 1943.
