Tuesday, June 23, 2009

El opuesto de comodo es divorcio

Another day in rainy Patzcuaro... After gulping down a pineapple breakfast bar and making the dangerous trek down our mountain I started my Spanish classes. My teacher, Edna, is very nice and helpful. We got a good laugh today when I we were practicing opposites. I confused to be married (casado) with to be comfortable (comodo) and so I said that the opposite of comfortable was divorced. Which perhaps is sometimes true (?) Since Richard was in Morelia to renew his visa this morning, we got a chance to explore the city a little more. We kind of wandered and took pictures of interesting old buildings we saw until we ran into the main basilica. We went inside and "semi-crashed" a mass taking place- opps! The church is decorated so beautifully! The church is definitely the most expensive and well kept building in the city. We then ate lunch at a nearby cafe. The food was good, but the bathroom was quite interesting since there wasn't any toilet paper and the water from the faucet was collected in a bucket under the sink. My first experience in roughing it in Mexico.
After lunch we went to the supermarcado and the outdoor market to stock up on food and practice our food vocabulary. It seemed like everything they sold in the supermarket was so tiny. For example, instead of selling a box of pasta they sell little prepackaged bags that serve two. In the open air market we were able to get some great deals on vegetables. We bought zucchini (Calabeza), Tomatos (jitomates), onion (Cebolla), garlic (ajo) for 10 pesos (about 80 cents)- the woman even threw in some cilantro as a gift for us!
After our shopping spree and exploring we climbed "Mount Estribo" (ok, so perhaps this isn't the official name of the mountain where we live, but desperate times call for desperate measures). It was intense- there was sweating- be impressed we made it alive. We then met with Richard for about 4 hours to discuss our projects and give us background information about their projects and the surrounding communities. We hadn't finished talking when Richard was called back to the house, so we finished the afternoon practicing our Spanish on our back porch and eating re-heated Veggie spaghetti a la Brenda with Gluten and soy (strange, but delicious).
After dinner we planned our future adventures. This weekend we hope to take a guided tour of Patzcuaro, visit the Juanitzio (the big island on the lake) and possibly hike up our lovely volcano we live on. We also want to visit another volcano in Michoacan that errupted in the 1943 and swallowed a city, as well as visit Morelia, Guadalajara, and the beach! There is so much to do this summer I will keep you all posted.
Send some of your warm midwest weather here! It was only a high of 61 today!
Buenos Noches!

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