Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 7 updates

Lots has happened since I last posted. Last week was Katrina's last week here- so I am now officially the last intern standing. I have about 3 weeks left which I predict will be pretty lonely, but it does give lots of time to read and study for my GREs in September.
On a more positive note, my friend Sean (Dickson)is here visiting! He is staying with me for the week and taking day trips around Michoacan while I am at work and then this weekend we are both going to go to D.F. (Mexico City) for an epic adventure. It has been really nice having him here- not only is he a great cook, but it makes the transition of the other interns leaving a lot less lonely.

Work is going well. Over the past few weeks we have collected over 350 maternal health surveys! We are trying to get around 10 surveys from every small community and more from the larger communities. This means that I have had a chance to see A LOT of surrounding region. For example, yesterday I went with Jacoba to Tupataro and to Presa. Presa isn't really even considered a pueblo it is so small it is a "Ranchero" which from what I experienced yesterday.. means a few (20ish) houses within about 2 miles of each other, kind a clumped together every so often. It was quite an adventure. The combi dropped us off in what seemed like the middle of nowhere and then Jacoba pointed to clump of houses in the distance and said that is Presa. The highlight of the adventure was not the crazy "backpack sunburn" I got but when we stopped at one house and they gave a bunch of peaches from their trees. They were pretty delicious if a little bug eaten. (Most of the pictures above are of my adventures through Presa)

In other news there is a threelegged dog that is now my new best friend (technically it has four legs, but one is hurt so she hops around on just three).She is adorable and for some reason has taken a liking to me. Whenever I am walking out of my house she will come out of nowhere and join me for the walk down. In my mind, I have named her Annabelle... because she kind of looks like one. I took a picture of her this morning when she followed me home (See above).
Speaking of animals- Audrey adopted a kitten name Theo! It looks adorable and now I am even more excited to come back to Chicago! :)

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